Optimizing your well completion
Based on the above, new innovations and technologies are essential. We can offer some unique products to solve part of these challenges for Sand and Inflow control
Customized Sand & Inflow Control
Sand Free Production
The sand control technology has developed over the years from vertical cased hole to horizontal open hole applications moving from gravel packing (CHGP) as the standard solution to frac-packing, stand-alone screens, chemical treatments and shunted (OHGP) completions.
Still the simplest and by far the most reliable and effective method of sand control is the use of sand-retention with Stand-alone Screens (SAS) especially with wells becoming longer and longer.
WellSlot brings you a wide range of well screen products to cover all your requirements. Selecting the right sand screen is crucial for a successful completion and can be the difference between solid free production and a lost well.
WellSlot will be your partner and help you with the screen selection and personalized design to meet your specific application, well conditions and formation properties.

Maximizing oil production
Why do we need Inflow and Outflow Control?
One of the main challenges facing production from horizontal wells is an uneven in-outflux along horizontal sections due to different drawdown across the wellbore and permeability heterogeneity of the reservoir, friction inside the horizontal liner. As a result, horizontal wells suffer from early water or gas breakthroughs and lower recovery factors of hydrocarbons.
To avoid this kind of problem lower completions become more reservoir management-oriented. In the past decade, different technologies for downhole flux control have been developed and used to balance in-outflux along horizontal sections of the well, increase sweep efficiency and enhance oil recovery.
WellSlot offers you a wide range of customized Inflow Control Devices. Choosing Passive, Active or Autonomous Control Devices is crucial to make a successful completion and can be the difference between maximum recovery and a watered out well.
WellSlot will be your partner and help you with the right selection and customized design to enhance oil recovery.

Well Screen Quality
All of WellSlot's products are manufactured with the highest quality standards. Our tolerances on slot and pore size are the absolute best on the market. To meet these high standards we use the most advanced technologies combined with first class materials. The quality is assured within our ISO 9001 Quality Management System using customized quality control plans to guarantee product quality and conformity.
Inquiries or questions
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